About Me

San Francisco, CA, United States
Contact me at sixdora@gmail.com

Monday, February 20, 2012

concept (2011)

I was trying my hand at character designs. These are characters from one of my many worlds/stories I try to develop from time to time.

lol and here's two random FFIV fanarts and then more original doodles....


An old idea.

log (2011)

I drew the first image for a friend. Just for fun.

Fanart for Naoki Urasawa's Monster.

face (2009-2010)

These were from a book I made with Nou. It was a great experience!

ambiguity (2011)

Lost Saint (2011)

Prophet (2011)

paintings (2009)

random things (2010-2011)

figures 2010-2011